Online Worship: FUMC Cocoa Beach uses Facebook Premier to provide online worship services. Since our page is public, you are not required to have your own Facebook page or even to log into Facebook to see the worship videos. Simply go to the church Facebook page, scroll down to the video, and click on it. If a dialog box pops-up and asks you to log-in or create an account, simply close that box and proceed. If you do have Facebook, please "Like" our page and subscribe to notifications. 

Online Sermons: In addition to our full worship services, you can also access Pastor Mark’s sermon on YouTube and iTunes. For iTunes, search "Pastor Mark Reynolds" in your podcast app. 

Daily Scripture Readings: If you would like daily scripture readings to guide your devotional times, goto the Revised Common Lectionary on the Vanderbilt Divinity School Library website. If you have a smart phone, you can also download an app. called "Daily Office Lectionary" that will give you daily readings in the Old and New Testaments. 

Online Bibles: You can access the Bible on many websites, but we recommend Bible Gateway. You can also download the Bible app. "YouVersion" on your smart phone. 

Lectio Divina: We encourage you to pray through the scriptures using an ancient method called lectio divina (i.e., sacred reading). Here is a guide:

  1. As you read scripture, what grabs your attention? What word, image, or verse speaks to your heart? Close your eyes, and memorize the word, image or verse it in your heart.
  2. Ask yourself, What is God trying to say to me? Reflect on this in personal and concrete ways to discover where you need insight, encouragement, correction, or change.
  3. Say a conversational prayer, being honest with God about what you are feeling and thinking. What do you need to do in obedience to God? Write down a concrete and specific application that you will do today.
  4. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and clear your mind. Sit in stillness and silence with God. It may help to focus on your breathing. As distractions come, simply observe them without judgment, let them go, and return your focus to the cadence of your breath. The goal is to relax into the presence of God without an agenda. To simply be with God.

Other Online Ministries: If you would like to be notified of other online ministries as they develop, please contact Dee in the church office and ask her to add you to our email service. This is how we communicate new online ministries and send you links so you can click them and easily join in.